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Canada’s strategy to respond to the Rohingya & Myanmar crises

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  • Canada’s strategy to respond to the Rohingya & Myanmar crises

Canada stands by the commitments we made in our 2018 strategy to respond to the Rohingya crisis. We must continue with sustained engagement, and provide additional support to help with the new challenges that have emerged.

This next phase of our strategy transitions from crisis-response to advancing durable solutions in Myanmar. It addresses the medium- and longer-term needs of refugees and other crisis-affected populations.

Canada is dedicating $288.3 million from 2021 to 2024 to support the next phase of the Strategy. This second phase will advance efforts toward an inclusive political settlement and sustainable peace in Myanmar, taking into account new realities following the February 2021 military coup, while continuing support for vulnerable and crisis-affected populations in Myanmar and Bangladesh, particularly Rohingya refugees and host communities.

This phase of the Strategy focuses on 4 key objectives:

support at-risk and crisis-affected populations in Myanmar and Bangladesh, particularly Rohingya refugees, internally displaced persons, and impacted host communities
intensify efforts to advance an inclusive and sustainable peace in Myanmar
target support to advance the restoration of democratic rule in Myanmar
increase pressure on malign actors, including through continued pursuit of accountability for human rights violations
To achieve these objectives, Canada will increase international cooperation, including through the appointment of a Special Envoy on the Rohingya and Myanmar crises.

This phase builds on previous achievements, lessons learned and consultations with a number of Canada’s partners in Bangladesh and Myanmar following the first phase of our strategy. It continues to be guided by Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, as well as Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security. These policies place gender equality at the centre of all programming and include diverse voices of those struggling for a more democratic, inclusive, peaceful and secure future in Myanmar.

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